Citz Umpiring Academy
Led by Stephen McBurnery (401 game AFL Umpire), the club offers a pathway for our Citz family (past and present players as well as siblings) to get involved in umpiring.
We are recruiting
1. umpires aged 12 to 14 to be club umpires for Citz to umpire under 8’s, 9’s and 10’s; and
2. umpires aged 14 and older to be YJFL umpires.
How do I sign up?
Parent or guardian to send an email to provide your contact details, and dob of umpire.
If your child is playing for a Citz team, tell us which team it is.
A summary of the program is included below. Full details are in the attached document
Why Umpire?
• Umpiring is a great way to get fit and build up speed and endurance
• Football umpiring pays better than any other sport
• YJFL umpiring provides a great social outlet
• Umpiring is challenging, it enhances personal communication skills
• Great for self-confidence and building resilience
When and where will I umpire?
For club umpires, Sunday mornings at Glenferrie Oval or Victoria Rd Reserve.
For YJFL umpires, Sunday mornings or afternoons at a ground near your home base.
Do I get paid?
Yes, it is the best pocket money going around, see fee schedule in the attached document.
Will you teach me how to umpire?
Yes. Full instruction and coaching will be provided.
Who can join?
The Academy is open to:
• Citz registered players, boys and girls
• Brothers and sisters of Citz players
• Former Citz players who want to try out umpiring